

A guide for indie authors: hiring an editor you can trust

Andrew Neel

Find a qualified editor you can trust

If you have written a book and you’re planning to self-publish, finding a trustworthy editor can be daunting. This guide will help you to know what to look for in an editor, where to find one, and some of the red flags to be aware of.

Congratulations, you’ve written a book! Writing a book is a huge accomplishment, no matter the size or subject; you should be proud of yourself.

Whether you are completely new to self-publishing or you have published a book before, researching trustworthy people to bring your book to the next level, can be overwhelming. Please make sure that, when you are looking to hire an editor for your book, you vet them first. As qualified editors, that’s what we want you to do!

Just as you want your book to hit the right note once it’s on the market, we want to promote a good reputation for ourselves as freelancers. The editor/author relationship should feel like a partnership, with both of you wanting the best possible outcome for your book.

I hope that by the time you have finished reading this article, you will feel a little more prepared to embark on your research to find the right editor and service for you. Here we will discuss how to choose an editor, which service you might need, and how to vet an editor, including some red flags to look out for.

“The editor/author relationship should feel like a partnership, with both of you wanting the best possible outcome for your book.” — Clever Crow

Two people's hands hold opposite sides of a black cut-out heart. The background is white.

Which editing service is right for you?

Understanding the different editorial services is the key to finding the correct service for your project. Once you know what your manuscript needs, it will make finding an editor that much easier as you will be able to whittle down your list! s a quick reference, here are some of the different services that editors offer:

Developmental editing

Developmental editing will examine big-picture themes such as plot, character development, and other structural issues. This type of service is ideal if you are new to writing or are in the very early stages of drafting and looking for a fresh pair of eyes to give you some constructive feedback. A developmental edit will usually come with an “editorial letter” or “editor’s brief” as well as Track Changes to your manuscript.

Copy/line editing

Copy or line editing will look at your manuscript at a sentence level, taking a deep dive into spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Copyediting also looks at clarity, conciseness, consistency, correctness, and whether the language used is inclusive. They will also look at things like fact-checking and making sure that external links work. A copy editor will usually prepare a “style sheet” based on your specific style to help guide consistency throughout your manuscript.


Usually done by a book designer, but some editors also offer this service, formatting looks at page layout to prepare the manuscript for publication. Formatting looks at the design of the book, making sure the text matches up with illustrations if used, and laying out the pages for the final draft.


Proofreaders perform a final check for any remaining typos that might have slipped through the net. They also detect problems with typesetting elements, such as page makeup; font and format; and eBook page layout. Remember, copyediting and proofreading are distinct services, although the terms are often used interchangeably.

“Understanding the different editorial services is the key to finding the correct service for your project.” — Clever Crow

How to find the right editor for you

Choosing the right editor for your project is a bit like dating! You want to find someone who gets you and therefore gets what your manuscript needs. The first step would be to do your research, just like you would when searching for any other service or product. Researching different editors and their services will help you make an informed decision. Some things to look for:

  • see if they have a website - if they have invested time and money in a professional website, it shows that they are serious
  • read their previous clients’ testimonials/feedback
  • find out if they have a qualification in editing - this should be clearly visible on their website. A qualification shows that they are professionally trained as an editor. If they do not have a qualification, ask about their experience in the industry. Find out how long they have worked as an editor and what kind of projects they have worked on
  • find out if they have membership in an accredited editors/freelancers organization, such as the EFA or CIEP. Membership in an organization like this shows that they are trusted and that they are likely to do regular CPD training, as well as being aware of industry standards, etc. You will also find trusted freelance editors listed in these organizations’ directories
  • ask if they offer sample editing - this is a great way to see if the editor is the right fit for you

Sample editing

A sample edit from a freelance editor you’re interested in working with can help you make a decision. Services such as copyediting can be evaluated well with a sample edit. A sample edit will usually be in the form of a short excerpt from the middle section of your manuscript. Some editors will offer sample edits free of charge before asking you to sign a contract so that you can make a decision based on that before committing to working with them.

A red vintage sign with white lettering that reads, "FOR HIRE". The background is out of focus.

Some red flags to be aware of

Editing is a skill that comes from training and experience, please make sure that you are not being scammed by an unqualified person to do a job that requires someone to produce the best outcome for your manuscript. Here are some common red flags of scammy editors to look out for:

  • they don’t have terms and conditions for you to sign - a professional editor will want you to sign a contract before any work is carried out to protect both parties
  • they are unprofessional in their communication - a professional editor will have a high level of professionalism in all aspects of how they interact with clients. They will not shout, send angry emails, or rage-quit meetings
  • they change their business name frequently and don’t have a website - a professional editor will have a website with an established brand. You should be able to browse their website and find details about them as a person, qualifications and training, services they offer, and client testimonials. Everything should be transparent
  • they expect you to pay before signing a contract - a professional editor will never expect you to pay before signing their terms and conditions. They will want to protect you as their client in the hopes that you will work with them again
  • they don’t offer sample editing - a professional editor will be happy to do a sample edit (some offer this service for free, but don’t expect this from all editors). A sample edit will benefit both parties as it will show whether you are the right fit for each other. You should be under no obligation to work with the editor if you get a sample edit from them
  • they are shady and avoid answering questions - a professional editor will encourage you to have a chat about what type of service you require and will be happy to answer any questions and concerns you might have.

A reminder

When it comes to hiring an editor you can trust, do your research, shop around, ask friends from your writing community or other writers from trusted writing groups for recommendations, but most of all trust your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t settle.

Guest author
Natalie - Clever Crow
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