
Emma Beswetherick

Emma Beswetherick

I’m the mother of two young children, a boy and a girl, and set out to write exciting, inspirational and enabling adventure stories to read to them as they grew older. I’ve worked as a publisher of adult novels for more than twenty years and live in South West London with my family and menagerie of animals: two Ragdoll cats (one of whom is the inspiration for Thunder the cat), two guinea pigs and a rather mischievous puppy called Obi.

When they spoke to New2theScene

1. Why do you write novels?

I’ve worked in publishing all my adult life and have been surrounded by books for as long as I can remember, so, for me, reading and books feel as important as the air that we breathe. I think I learned how to write novels through osmosis, however, having edited so many other incredible author’s novels for many years. Writing became the natural next step after editing, and I’m so glad I made the jump. I love the creativity and freedom of writing – the getting lost in someone else’s world, which is a world you have the privilege to know better than anyone.

2. Who inspired you?

My main inspiration has come from my children. When my son started devouring books at around the age of five, it got me thinking about the types of books his younger sister might read when she reached a similar age. When I began looking, I realised I couldn’t find much at the time that really suited her personality – which is why I had the idea of writing something for her myself. She’s always had loads of friends, enjoyed playdates, had a vivid imagination and had big dreams of saving the world one day. I wondered about combining all these themes, which is how The Playdate Adventures was born.

3. What’s the essence of your style? The part, if removed, is not your voice anymore?

I try and capture what it means to be a child in my stories. I think hard about what inspires children, what they care about, what dreams they have, what excites them but also what worries them. I hope this comes across in my stories. It’s certainly something my readers pick up on when they write to me.

4. What was your dance-around-the-kitchen moment in writing?

Definitely when I got my first book deal – but, even more than that, I think it was when I got my second book deal, because it was then that I realised it wasn’t luck that had taken me there. I also always have a little dance when I get to the end of the first draft of a story. That’s when the hard work has finished and the fun can begin, because I really truly love the editing process.

5. What do you want to accomplish in your writing career?

I’d like to continue writing stories that children care about, that they share with their friends, that have some kind of impact on them. It would also be a dream to see one of my stories turned into something that can be watched on the TV.

6. Can you ever envisage not writing novels - running out of ideas or energy?

I hope not! But I’ve been working in publishing for long enough to know that every author experiences a dip now and then.

7. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Probably never to give up trying. I’ve always been lucky in that I got good grades at school, went to a great university and worked in a profession that I love. But getting my first book deal wasn’t easy. If I’d given up at the first hurdle, I wouldn’t be here today as a published author. I’d also tell myself that I’m more creative than I ever gave myself credit for as a kid.

8. Away from writing, what are your passions, and what do they mean to you?

My biggest passion is my family. I have a wonderful husband and two incredible children. Everything I do, I do for them, and they fill me with pride and joy every day. I do have a lot of hobbies as well, though. I’ve taken up playing the piano and saxophone again, and I enjoy exercise and the outdoors. Seeing friends also makes me very happy.

9. How would your best friend describe you?

I think they’d say that I’m optimistic. I’ve always been a glass half full person!

10. What’s a significant question to ask you, that no other interview has to date, and what’s the answer, only for New2theScene?

If you didn’t write, and didn’t work in publishing, what would you do?

I think I’d enjoy being a teacher. I spend a lot of time now going into primary schools and teaching creative writing. There’s something about working with children that gives me so much energy. I love how honest they are, how untethered their ideas are, how excited they are to learn and talk about new things. I really do get such a buzz from standing at the front of a classroom.

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