
M.J. Kuhn

M.J. Kuhn

MJ Kuhn is a fantasy writer by night and a mild-mannered university employee by day. She lives in the Metro Detroit area with her husband Ryan and a very spoiled cat named Thorin Oakenshield. She obtained a Bachelor's degree in Communication in 2013. Less than a year into her life as a full-time office-worker, she began using her nights and lunch breaks to work on her first novel, and she hasn't looked back since. When she isn't reading or writing you can find Mallory playing the piano, weightlifting, or anxiously awaiting the next installment of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire.

When they spoke to New2theScene

1. Why do you write novels?

Because I must. Sounds like a hackneyed response, I know, haha, but my brain won’t let me stop. All I’ve ever wanted to do since I was a small kid was tell stories. Once I started writing them down, there was no turning back.

2. Who inspired you?

I feel like I am constantly inspired by new incredible people every day. It all started with Brian Jacques, Diana Wynne Jones, and Lawrence Yep—the authors of my childhood favorites. Then came Tolkien and Gaiman. Then Christopher Paolini, Scott Lynch, and George R. R. Martin joined the chat. Lately, I’ve felt inspired by Fonda Lee, Nicholas Eames, P. Djeli Clark, and R. F. Kuang. The list goes on. Every time I read a new book that speaks to my soul and I feel like the author is reaching a hand to me through the pages, I am inspired all over again to create and refine my own work so that maybe, just maybe, someday a reader can feel that same connection to one of my books.

3. What’s the essence of your style? The part, if removed, is not your voice anymore?

I feel like breakneck pacing is always going to be a part of my books. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good long, lyrical book as much as the next reader, but that’s not what I enjoy writing. I want to write non-stop thrill rides that have you flicking pages so fast you’re at risk of getting a paper cut.

I also want to write fantasy stories accessible to all readers, from die-hard fantasy fans to those who might be new to the genre. In other words, I don’t necessarily foresee myself writing a big ol’ doorstopper any time soon (as much as I do love a good doorstopper as a reader).

Lots of snappy dialogue, concise descriptions, and quick-draw action fill the pages of all my stories so far, so I feel like all of those things are strong components of my personal writing style!

4. What was your dance-around-the-kitchen moment in writing?

I’ve had a few! When my first agent called to tell me we had an offer for a book deal on AMONG THIEVES was definitely a silently-scream-and-dance-around-the-back-hallway-at-my-day-job moment. Also, the day I found out that THIEVES hit the Sunday Times bestseller list on release week in the UK—I definitely popped a bottle of prosecco that evening!

5. What do you want to accomplish in your writing career?

Professionally, I would love not to need a second job to afford a roof over my head and food, haha. If I can get to the point where I can pay the bills with my writing, that would be incredible. On the artistic side, I would love to make as many people smile and laugh through my books as possible. I want to provide people with a fantastic escape from the drudgery of everyday life through the pages of my stories. If I’ve accomplished that, I’m succeeding.

Oh, also, it’s HIGH-KEY a dream of mine to have someone name a pet after one of my characters.

6. Can you ever envisage not writing novels - running out of ideas or energy?

Every time I finish a novel, my brain screams, “THAT’S IT, YOU’RE DONE. DRIED UP. OUT OF IDEAS!” Inevitably, I start to panic.

Then, a day or a week or an hour later, one of my old ideas bubbles up from the recesses of my brain and begs for me to start working on it, and I go, “... oh, that’s right. This curse is for life.”

I say “curse” lovingly: I wouldn’t have it any other way.

7. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Bold of you to assume that present-day MJ is any wiser than my younger self.

Just kidding. Hopefully.

I often feel frustrated with my younger self for not starting sooner. I didn’t start working on my first novel until I was 22. I had a passion for writing from the age of about eight and knew I wanted to be a writer from about fifth grade on. I started plenty of projects in there, but I didn’t actually start and FINISH projects until I was in my 20s. If I could tell my younger self to believe and start studying craft and working consistently on projects earlier, I would do that.

8. Away from writing, what are your passions, and what do they mean to you?

I really enjoy working out, for one. I like weightlifting and kickboxing the most but have also dabbled in yoga and barre workouts from time to time. Even just going for a jog or a nice long walk is something I love doing to clear my head or start the day off right.

Another passion of mine is music. I was a band nerd in school (shout out to my fellow tenor drum players!), but aside from that, I love listening to music, and I always have something playing while I’m writing, usually soundtrack music of lo-fi beats.

Lastly, I love gaming. Video games are a great release for me. I particularly enjoy the Legend of Zelda and Mass Effect franchises, but I’ll play just about any third-person action-adventure or puzzle game. No, I will not play first-person games (no matter how great they are), and no, I will not apologize for that, haha. I also love cozy games like Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon. All in all, games are an underrated storytelling medium.

9. How would your best friend describe you?

A total hermit. I’m aggressively introverted, so I tend not to see friends for months at a time without even realizing it. I also actually asked my best friend this question for the purposes of this bio, and they said that a defining characteristic of me is that I tend to be overdramatic in my descriptions. Which is true. I had a cold last fall and remember describing the feeling as something like having a banana slug trapped inside my sinuses.

You’re welcome for that image.

10. What’s a significant question to ask you, that no other interview has to date, and what’s the answer, only for New2theScene?

“MJ, what is a random skill or talent you have that no one would ever guess?”

Thanks for asking, New2theScene! My answer is…. I can ride a unicycle. And I did many talent shows and things in my youth. There may or may not be photos of a very small MJ on a unicycle wearing a sparkly vest and top hat floating out there somewhere.

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