DV-8 lives in a dystopian, totalitarian, Orwellian nightmare...and he loves it!
After all, when every single aspect of your life is dictated, it takes a lot of the pressure off you. He never has to worry about making plans for the weekend as he’s not allowed to do anything; he never has to worry about making small talk with strangers since any topics outside of party business are outlawed and he never has to worry about meeting someone as he already has a partner assigned to him. He’s living the dream.
So, when the revolution comes and DV-8 is granted his freedom (and a new name), he finds he has absolutely no idea what to do with it. A twist on a traditionally Orwellian tale that will make you say, ‘Bring Back Big Brother'.
Luke Richards is a comedian and author living in London.
His brand of cerebral silliness has quickly made him one to watch on the London Comedy scene and led to him reaching the final of the Bath New Comedian of the year competition 2024. He recently combined his love of comedy and dystopian fiction to publish his debut novel, Dave’s New World through Vulpine Press.
He is currently working on his second comedy book also to be released through Vulpine Press in 2024/5.
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