
How Much Wine Will Fix My Broken Heart?

Kristen Bailey

How Much Wine Will Fix My Broken Heart?

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If you’re wondering how much wine fixes a broken heart, here are some suggestions: a glass the size of your head, a bathtub, an Olympic-sized swimming pool. Best served chilled, and with a straw.

Three years ago, Grace’s heart was blown to smithereens. Ever since then, she lives by a set of rules to protect herself.

They include: only getting attached to her cookie jar, wild nights meaning evenings alone with her label-maker, and never looking men directly in the eye.

But her sisters refuse to let thirty-one-year-old Grace live like a grandma. They have their own ideas on how to piece her back together.
New Grace goes ‘out out’. Translation: breaks into fifteenth-century replica ships, screams ‘aye-aye, captain!’ and falls off the plank. She learns about friends with benefits with a guy who calls out his ex’s name in bed and keep his socks on. She sings Enrique Iglesias at karaoke, followed by an extra-large serving of fries.

Grace might be learning to live again but that doesn’t mean she’s opening her heart again… Or does it?

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About the author

Kristen Bailey

Mother-of-four, rum-drinker, binge-watcher, receipt hoarder, enthusiastic but terrible cook. Kristen also writes. She used to write short fiction before her first books were published in 2016. She was long-listed for the Comedy Women in Print Prize in 2019, and since then, she’s kept writing. Do her books have a genre? Who knows? It’s contemporary-women’s-humorous, sometimes romantic, often feel-good fiction for people who don’t mind a knob joke. She’s known for her Callaghan Sisters series, the first of which, HAS ANYONE SEEN MY SEX LIFE? was a Top Ten Kindle Bestseller. Her most recent book, GREAT SEXPECTATIONS, has been nominated for an RNA award. Kristen lives in Hampshire, UK. She also is a whizz at world capitals and thinks pineapple belongs on pizza. Don't fight her on this.

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  • £15 of New2theScene vouchers.
  • May feature in future anthologies – so you may see your words in print, fingers crossed!

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  • Follow the format requirements for the competition (found in ‘Rules of entry’).
  • Pay your entry fee.
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