A captivating boarding school mystery from Sylvia Bishop, author of Erica’s Elephant, The Bookshop Girl and The Secret of the Night Train.
Transplanted from her exciting life as an explorer's daughter, Freya finds herself miserable at a posh boarding school. Freya hates all the boring rules, the other girls are mean to her, and the headmistress is frosty good manners personified.
When a bat removal expert is called in to deal with an infestation, Freya meets his irrepressible children - and finds herself making friends at last. Together they explore the city, with particular interest in the grand exhibition showing priceless artefacts for the first time.
When the objects are stolen in a dramatic heist, Freya is sure her new friends are responsible - but the true culprit might be closer to home...
Sylvia Bishop spent an entire childhood reading fiction, dreaming up stories and pretending. She then tried very hard to get to grips with the real world by studying politics and going in to social science research. This was a shock. Thankfully, she discovered improvised comedy at university, which allowed her to carry on making up stories for at least 30% of her waking hours.
Now she writes her stories down, preferably by lamp-light with tea. She only ever really writes the bad ones: the good ones write themselves without warning, generally when she was planning to go to bed.