A sweeping, powerful story about a mother's love for her child that will take you through a world war and across a continent...
On the cusp of World War II, a young mother is faced with an impossible choice. Vera is a Russian Jewish émigré to France, newly wed - but her marriage cannot protect her or her four-year-old-daughter, Lucie, once the Nazis occupy the country.
After receiving notice that all foreigners must report to an internment camp, Vera must decide: does she subject Lucie to the horrid conditions of the camp, or put Lucie into hiding with her beloved and trusted governess, safe until Vera can retrieve her? Surely the war will end soon...
And so begins a heartbreaking journey and separation . . . and an unpredictable fate for a mother and her daughter.
Alexis Landau studied at Vassar College and received an MFA from Emerson College, and a PhD in English Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Southern California. She is the author of_ Those Who Are Saved_ and The Empire of the Senses. She lives with her husband and two children in Los Angeles.
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