New authors New talent Newly discovered New2theScene
Thanks for finding New2theScene, a platform for discovering and supporting new talent. Be first to read the next classic; engage with the person behind the work; be part of a community that values emerging voices; and indulge in like-minded passions. At New2theScene, you’re investing in the continued unearthing of great people in books. Thanks for joining us.
N2tS is immensely proud and privileged to have M. Jonathan Lee writing a six part series of his life in writing, exclusively for New2theScene. Tips on writing. His experience as a nationally shortlisted author. And his battles with tragedies in a must read for any aspiring writer.
New authors New talent Newly discovered New2theScene
Thanks for finding New2theScene, a platform for discovering and supporting new talent. Be first to read the next classic; engage with the person behind the work; be part of a community that values emerging voices; and indulge in like-minded passions. At New2theScene, you’re investing in the continued unearthing of great people in books. Thanks for joining us.
N2tS is immensely proud and privileged to have M. Jonathan Lee writing a six part series of his life in writing, exclusively for New2theScene. Tips on writing. His experience as a nationally shortlisted author. And his battles with tragedies in a must read for any aspiring writer.
Is it your dream to be published? Have you self-published but want to develop your skills and find an agent? The literary world can seem an impenetrable wall to scale. Enter our novel competition and let us throw you a rope.
Short stories are a great way to hone your writing skills, get noticed, gain confidence, get accolades for pitches to agents/publishers, introduce characters to an audience, and have fun! You’ll never regret engaging with your passion.