
Joanna Courtney

Joanna Courtney

My first literary accolade was a creative writing prize at primary school and from that point on I wanted to be a novelist. I was always reading as a child and often made up stories for my brother and sister on long car journeys. I was also a huge Enid Blyton fan and by ten I was writing my own (doubtless terrible) boarding school novels. Perhaps inevitably, I took my degree in English literature and it was at Cambridge, specialising in medieval literature, that I first discovered what has become a true passion for ancient history.

I took a sidestep after university to work in a wonderful textiles factory in Lancashire - a move that led me to my lovely husband, but didn't satisfy my yearning to write. Married and living in Derbyshire, however, I took up my pen again in the sparse hours available between raising my two stepchildren and two more of my own. At that hectic time, I primarily wrote shorter fiction and I've had well over 200 stories and serials published in women's magazines. Now though, with the older two leaving home and the younger two at secondary school, my time has opened up and it's been a joy to fill it with writing.

I'm fascinated by our ancestors in the pre-1066 period. The more I research their world, the more I realise how cruel the term 'dark ages' is, as these people had hugely sophisticated clothing, jewellery, art, poetry, economics and judicial systems. They were also just people, as we are people and I firmly believe that they must have largely felt much the same as we do. Amusement, embarrassment, grief, hatred and - perhaps above all - love are not modern inventions and I have loved creating a cast of, hopefully, believable characters to help readers experience this fantastic era for themselves.

My first series, The Queens of the Conquest, is about the amazing stories of the three women vying to be Queen of England in 1066 - Edyth of Mercia, wife of King Harold; Elizaveta of Kiev; wife of Harald Hardrada; and Matilda of Flanders, wife of William the Conqueror. We know so little about these amazing women and I hope that readers enjoy finding out about them.

My second series, Shakespeare's Queens, looks at the real historical figures who were the inspiration for Lady Macbeth (Macbeth), Ophelia (Hamlet) and Cordelia (King Lear). All three women led lives that were very different to the female tropes that they are presented as in the otherwise wonderful plays of the great bard and I hope readers can see another side of them from my novels.

These days I also write contemporary fiction as Anna Stuart.

When they spoke to New2theScene

1. Why do you write novels?

I love to write. It’s the best way of living a hundred lives instead of just one. And I especially love writing historical novels because it’s pretty much the only way of living in the past!

2. Who inspired you?

I’ve been a huge reader since I was young, so hundreds of writers have inspired me, starting with Enid Blyton, moving through Jean Plaidy, Phillipa Gregory, Elizabeth Chadwick, Sebastian Faulks and Hilary Mantel, via Marian Keyes, Nick Hornby, Jo Jo Moyes and pretty much anyone I can get my hands on!!

3. What’s the essence of your style? The part that, if removed, is not your voice anymore?

I’d have to ask my readers that but I hope it might be creating characters that people really engage with and giving them believable voices.

On the downside, I overuse both ‘just’ and ‘a little’ so have to consciously go through and take most of those out when editing!!

4. What was your dance-around-the-kitchen moment in writing?

That has to be when I was finally offered a contract. I’d had an agent for several years but we’d had two novels – one contemporary and one historical – rejected and my third submission was feeling like a last chance. In the end, an editor who had enjoyed the rejected historical one picked this one up and, not only that, but they signed me for a 3-book series! The editor (who is still my editor now and who I love) wrote me a gorgeous email saying how much she loved my writing. It arrived when I was on holiday with family and friends in Wales so my good friend Brenda, declaimed the whole email on a windswept Welsh beach and we all cheered!

5. What do you want to accomplish in your writing career?

Everything! I want to be a bestseller and have readers waiting eagerly for my next book to come out. There are a few lovely people like that these days but it would be fabulous to have more.

6. Can you ever envisage not writing novels - running out of ideas or energy?

Not at the moment. The joy of historical research is that every time you research one thing, you turn up a hundred other interesting nuggets, crying out to be stories all of their own. For example, I found out when researching 1066 for my Queens of the Conquest series, that Macbeth was a real King, and Lady Macbeth a real queen, and that they were strong and much-loved monarchs. I knew instantly that I wanted to write about her, soBlood Queen – and the whole Shakespeare’s Queens series - was born.

7. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Believe in yourself! A number of times when I was trying to make it as a novelist, I nearly stopped. I would cry into the pillow and tell my husband in a pathetic little hissy fit that I was going to ‘get a proper job’ but, somehow, I just couldn’t stop writing and then, bit by bit, it started to happen. Believing that would be the case might not have changed much, but it would almost certainly have made it less painful – especially for those around me!!

8. Away from writing, what are your passions, and what do they mean to you?

My big hobby was always rowing, which I did to a pretty serious level in my younger years, getting two gold medals at Women’s Henley. I totally love the way that rowing is the ultimate team sport, in that you have to work utterly in sync, but when the chips are down, you’re out there on your own (because you can’t see anything other than the back of the girl in front) and you have to dig deep yourself. I’m quite a disciplined and hard-working person and this sport suited those elements of me.

These days I’m getting on a bit. I did go rowing recently and was chuffed to keep up technically but the old lungs struggled and I have accepted that my competitive days are gone. I will stick to walking the dog!

My new passion is travelling. My husband has recently retired and we’ve bought a motorhome or, as I like to call it, an office on wheels! Last autumn, we went on a wonderful research trip through France and Spain and all the way to Lisbon, and there are many more planned. Watch out for novels set in all the loveliest places…!!

9. How would your best friend describe you?

I imagine words that would come up would be ‘bonkers’, ‘mad’, and, hopefully, ‘fun’. I’d almost certainly be described as ‘lively’, ‘active’, ‘energetic’, ‘enthusiastic’, ‘up for anything’ and definitely ‘unable to grow up’!!

10. What’s a significant question to ask you, that no other interview has to date, and what’s the answer, only for New2theScene?

Tricky!! Maybe what time period would I most like to travel to?  The answer would have to be some point before the birth of Christ. Iron Queen was the first novel I set in the BC era and getting my head around what that was like was fascinating. In Fire Queen, Ophelia is pagan but Christianity is already growing and starting to permeate the world, so going another step back into a fully pagan society intrigued me. So much of European culture and society has been influenced by Christianity that trying to consider what it was like before it ever existed is a little mind-blowing. My new set of novels will be set in and around the time (and location) of Christ, so watch this space for more on those…

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