
Mark Hayden

Mark Hayden

Mark Hayden is the pen name of Adrian Attwood. He lives in Westmorland, England, with his wife, Anne.

He has had a varied career: working for a brewery, teaching English and being the Town Clerk in Carnforth. He is now a part-time writer and part-time assistant in Anne’s craft projects.

He is also proud to be the Mad Unky to his Great Nieces & Great Nephews.

You can find Mark on his Goodreads page, his Facebook page or via the PawPress website.

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Third Eye: 11

Book 11: The King's Watch

We all know the sounds of war, but what are the sounds of peace?

Conrad Clarke is about to get married. Could life get any better for the Lord Guardian of the North? The Codex Defanatus is sealed away, peace has been cemented in the Lakeland Particular and as far as he knows, no one is out to get him. Time to relax...

If only.

In the corridors of power, the new Warden is launching her project of change, and not everyone is happy.Closer to home, Conrad has to deal with the entombed Spirit of the old Warden, and far away on the other side of the Pennines, magick is stirring.

Kathy Metcalfe hates her life at Beckthorpe Abbey, what with having to cook for all the recovering addicts, and she knows exactly how bad they are because she’s one herself. The only person at the Abbey who isn’t an addict is the oldest resident, Don Bell, and Don can’t speak.And then one night, strange lights drift across the lawn, and suddenly Don is a man with a mission. A mission to be rescued, if only he can find a way to send a letter…

Not that Conrad has any clue about this. As far as he is concerned, getting to the church at all is going to be enough of a challenge, what with three gods insisting on wedding invitations and the mother and father of Hen and Stag parties to go first...

It’s been a long wait since Conrad’s last adventure – catch up with all the news from Mark Hayden’s best-selling King’s Watch universe and meet old friends again.

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Four Roads Cross: 10

Book 10: The King's Watch

The last time Conrad was unemployed, he got a visit from the Allfather. Look where that got him.

And now the Gnomes of Lakeland want him to be the new Commissioner.

A simple job: sort out the Assessors and put the Grand Union on a stable footing. They’re even willing to pay for an assistant to help him with the difficult magick stuff. What could possibly go wrong?

When you have two powerful factions who both think that they're above the law, you also have a recipe for trouble when they fall out. Conrad has barely unpacked his suitcase before the Fae Queen of Derwent is in a standoff with the Greenings, and neither side look like they want to back down.

The peaceful fells and dales of Lakeland are about to see an all-out war unless Conrad, Cordelia and his under-strength team can keep them apart. When the walls close in, Conrad will need to make new friends and watch his back.

It all starts with a race down Great Langdale and it ends with an appointment at Lakeland’s oldest boundary marker, the Four Roads Cross.

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Five Leaf Clover: 9

Book 9: The King's Watch

Welcome to Ireland. Now die.

Conrad has a lot on his plate, and recovering from a punctured kidney is only the start…

Top of his to-do list is a trip to Cornwall for an interview with Morwenna Mowbray, Vessel and victim of Fae magick.

Before he can go, Tom Morton has news on the missing book, the Codex Defanatus.

And soon it becomes clear that all roads lead across the Irish Sea, to a country where Conrad has no jurisdiction, no allies, and where his enemies are not one, but two Fae Queens.

He knows that it’s a long road to Galway, and that when he gets to the end, he’ll be alone, but choosing his travelling companions is only the first challenge.

Conrad’s struggle to wash the stain of the Codex from his family name reaches a climax in the Ninth Book of the King’s Watch – Five Leaf Clover.

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Six Furlongs: 8

Book 8: The King's Watch

Saddle up for the ride of your life... In Clerkswell, the great and the good assemble for a Samhain party. In Manchester, Mages prepare for the Warden Hustings.But on a tree in the Furness Peninsula hangs the body of a man.Someone thinks they have settled a score, but all they’ve done is start a feud. A storm is brewing in the Lakeland Particular, and Conrad has to stop it turning into All Out War. Fate has dealt him a difficult hand – another new partner, the implacable opposition of the Lakeland Mages and having to shield the members of his non-magickal team. So Conrad does what he does best: grits his teeth and rides into the storm. Find out how he cracks the case and stays alive.

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The Seventh Star: 7

Book 7: The King's Watch

One Hell of a Party… Mina’s Bollywood extravaganza is a huge hit – especially when a surprise celebrity makes a dramatic entrance.While everyone queues for a selfie, Conrad is wondering why a Fae Princess has descended on him. It turns out she has a problem, and her problem is about to become Conrad’s problem: amidst the dark Satanic mills of Lancashire, something is attacking the Fae. Conrad has to leave his comfort zone in Clerkswell and break in another new partner. It won’t be long before he is praying for strength from Kratu, the Seventh Star.

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Eight Kings: 6

Book 6: The King's Watch

The King is Dead Long Live the KingThe Mage-King of Wessex has passed away, and the stage is set for a battle royal:The richest Mage in England versus the most powerful Coven of Witches. And Conrad finds himself in the middle.The struggle is a civilised one at first – Lord Mowbray and the Daughters of the Goddess meet for a conference in Mowbray’s Mage palace of Pellacombe, with Conrad, Mina and Saffron sent to see fair play.Until first tragedy and then murder plunge the staff kingdom of Wessex into a dangerous crisis, and Conrad has to draw on all his team’s powers and his own experience to avoid a bloodbath. The sixth instalment of Mark Hayden’s sage of the King’s Watch is a deep study of power at the sharp end, where families and clans are stretched beyond breaking point in the brutal world of magick. Grab yourself a copy of Eight Kings and immerse yourself in the addictive world of the King’s Watch.

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Nine of Wands: 5

Book 5: The King's Watch

Gold. Beautiful and Deadly. And doubly deadly when you mix it with magick. Conrad and Mina take a time-out from trouble in Spain. It’s their own little Garden of Eden, until a Tarot reader tells him that his troubles have barely begun.Expelled from Paradise, Conrad and the team have to chase the trail of a new source of Alchemical Gold. A source that already has Dwarves, Gnomes and human Mages at each other’s throats. When the prize is gold, life is cheap, and nothing blinds like greed. Can Conrad keep his eyes open and see through the killing glare of gold? When the Tarot says Nine of Wands, you know you’re in for a bumpy ride.

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Tenfold: 4

Book 4: The King's Watch

Unto the Tenth Generation…

Must we atone for our ancestors’ sins?

Conrad’s 11xGreat Grandfather has been haunting his house since 1622, keeping a secret and biding his time.

A secret that spells trouble for the world of magick. When the King’s Watch try to Summon Conrad’s ancestor, someone takes drastic, deadly action to keep that secret hidden.

And when Spectre Thomas finally makes an appearance, he’s not alone: both Odin and the Morrigan want their say.

And if that’s not enough, the answer may lie deep in the caverns of a missing Dwarf.

With death and destruction on all sides, Conrad’s problems have multiplied. Tenfold.

The King’s Watch are back. Grab a copy of Tenfold and check out just how much trouble one man can get into when you enlist in the deadly world of magick.

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The Eleventh Hour: 3

Book 3: The King's Watch

Another Day, Another Mission for… The King’s Watch

Conrad needs a rest. The universe has other ideas.

Conrad had planned the perfect weekend in the English Lake District – tie up some loose ends before spending the night with his girlfriend. Simple. What could possibly go wrong?

Everything is the answer.

An innocent man is murdered to cover up magickal misdeeds, and before they can draw breath, Conrad and his partner in magickal crime-fighting, Vicky Robson, are on the trail of a Mage who hides behind dark magick to kill at a distance.

In the third book of Mark Hayden’s highly praised King’s Watch sequence, Conrad and Vicky have to unlock doors and penetrate the ancient families of the Lakeland Particular to unmask a killer with an agenda of vengeance who doesn’t care who dies on the way.

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The Twelve Dragons of Albion: 2

Book 2: The King's Watch

Are you ready to join the King’s Watch? Because there’s a Dragon on the loose... Our hero is ready to claim his reward.Conrad Clarke has saved the girl and stayed alive – surely he can rest on his laurels? Just a bit?No.Conrad has to pass a new test. A magickal test, and Conrad doesn’t do magick very well. Not only that, there’s a missing Dragon’s egg to investigate, and Conrad has to turn over his ammunition.So what does he do?He reminds the world of magick that he who laughs loudest laughs last.Dragons? Bring them on…Treat yourself to another of Conrad’s adventures in the mad world of magick and get ready for the ride. It’s going to be a hot one…

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The 13th Witch: 1

Book 1: The King's Watch

Did you know that the gods can use mobile phones?

They can, and Odin has a message for Conrad.

Conrad Clarke, former RAF pilot and alleged gangster gets a text – and a visit – from The Allfather.

Odin has a challenge for Conrad: sign up to protect England from wild magick and get a commission in the King’s Watch.

All he has to do is find a missing witch. Simple.

Conrad never could resist a challenge. Before you can say “Ragnarok”, he’s plunged into a world of gods, mages, witches, dwarves and one very aggressive giant mole.

But the witch doesn’t want to be found, and powerful mages will kill to keep her hidden. Going back isn’t an option. Going forward looks a lot like death.

Armed with nothing but a sense of humour and a willingness to cheat, Conrad has to find the Witch and save his life.

Treat yourself to a copy now and experience a whole new universe of magick. And moles…

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